Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you’ve noticed that just about everyone has a smartphone in their hand nowadays. In fact, over 2.8 billion people use the Internet from their smartphones. But even with the promise of a miniature computer in our pockets 24/7, it’s surprising that more dealerships aren’t leveraging the full potential of …
Accountability: A Manager’s Way to Success
Accountability in the workplace is the paramount method to success. In order to justify your decisions as an owner or manager of a dealership, you have to be able to show the reasons why you are doing something, and so do all of your employees. If there is an action without a reason, there is no accountability for that action. …
4 Key Skills Your Dealership’s Self-Managed Live Chat Team Should Have
At ActivEngage, it’s no secret that we’re strong advocates of quality conversations. And we know our managed chat team does it best. But, if you’re considering building a self-managed chat team at your dealership, you’ll need a team ready to build relationships with online shoppers. That’s why today, I’m sharing four essential live chat skills you should look for and build upon …
6 Do’s and Don’ts of Mobile Chat Conversations
The mobile shopping experience has been gaining precedence in the last few years, particularly in the last few months (Thanks, Google!), which is why in today’s blog I’ll be sharing some helpful tips about how to effectively assist mobile shoppers in chat. Here are 6 big do’s and don’ts of mobile chat conversations: 1. DO look over the shopper’s live …
Risky Business: 3 Ways a Bad Outsourced Chat Team Can Hurt Your Sales
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: not all chat providers are the same. Vendor priorities vary, software technology can be user-friendly or not, not all providers hire chat teams within the US, and the quality of managed chat conversations are not equal. In fact, a bad managed chat service can be detrimental to your business! If the …
Use Live Chat to Build Rapport With Shoppers
People buy from businesses they like, trust, and know—which is a big reason why establishing rapport is so important in the sales process, both on the showroom floor and on your dealership’s website. Qualified Sales Leads Start with Rapport The number one reason live chat will fail at your dealership is that of a lack of a quality conversation. Building …
Avoid Post-Holiday Blues and Boost Employee Morale
I hate to be the one to say it, but (once again) the holidays are practically over. The excitement of gift-giving and receiving dies down, and we forget about the famous annual ball-drop. As you go back to your daily routine, it’s important not to lose momentum. Leverage the holiday atmosphere to kick off the new year on the right foot! …
4 Reasons Why Shoppers Love Using Live Chat
Automotive marketing as we know it has changed. The Internet now forces dealerships to have an online presence and build relationships with consumers in the digital world. Why? Because the modern shopper expects it. Consumer research is no longer solely accessible via phone calls and drive-bys. Now, your prospective customers are looking for information on your website — and using …
Emotion + Information = Expert Selling
They say people buy with their emotions. However, what actually happens is a mix between influential information and emotional cues. MarketingProfs provides some great insight about the different degrees of emotion and logic in the buying process. In this article, they discuss how the beginning and aftermarket stages of the buying cycle are the most emotionally-driven; once shoppers get closer …