Due to the current global circumstances (you know the ones), vehicle selection is low and prices are high. New car buyers are inelastic about pricing, more willing to order/travel to secure their perfect ride, and are spending less time shopping around. Consumers reported spending less time researching and shopping for a car online during the pandemic: “In total, consumers spent …
Dealerships: Focus on What You CAN Control
Nothing discourages taking action quite like the feeling of not being in control. It doesn’t matter the context or situation. A lack of control leads to anxiety and fear, which can manifest negatively in all aspects of life. Think about the pandemic for a moment. COVID-19 added much uncertainty to our lives, and the constantly evolving health science around it …
What to Look For in a Live Chat Vendor for Dealerships
*This content was updated on 12/21/2022 Automotive live chat (or automotive managed messaging, as we like to call it) has become somewhat of a four-letter word in the automotive industry in recent years. We know that automotive live chat and live chat software are proven digital tools that help engage curious online shoppers on your car dealership website. As a …
Why Your Dealership Needs a “No Bull” Messaging Provider
If you work at a dealership or are in dealership marketing, you are without a doubt pummeled daily with vendor marketing emails selling you a dizzying variety of products. We would know. After all, we’re an automotive managed messaging company that sends some of those emails! Eventually, you get desensitized and ignore these emails. No hard feelings; it happens. It …
An Excellent Customer Experience Needs the Human Element
This article was originally created for Dealer Marketing Magazine by ActivEngage’s COO, Carol Marshall. Think about the last time you had a really great conversation. When I think about a great conversation, my mind goes to those a-little-too-long lunches with business colleagues. Game night with friends on the weekend. Laughing until I cry until the wee hours of the morning …
How Automotive SEO Helps Car Dealers
Does your dealership need the power of automotive SEO? With car dealerships seemingly on every corner, you’ve got to make sure you’re leaning into every competitive advantage. This includes making sure your car dealership’s offerings are highly visible and being found by the right people in your communities. Attracting customers looking for the services car dealerships offer is a must, …
What Is Your Automotive Live Chat Provider Providing?
Based on the conversations we’ve seen over the past year and a half, it’s clear that people are craving connection. So much so that shoppers seek digital touchpoints during their entire customer journey, like live chat, to get their needs met. In conjunction with this trend comes the sudden boom in online car buying, which is no longer just a …
Automotive Marketing Strategies For Car Dealers
Marketing is an important part of any industry, and the automotive industry is no exception. As the consumer world continues changing and becomes an increasingly online experience, the world of marketing is being revolutionized, and some companies are struggling to keep up and maintain engagement throughout the customer journey. A smart, well-planned campaign is a key component in automotive marketing …
How to Increase Customer Retention as an Automotive Dealer
Brand loyalty is exactly what it sounds like- a customer’s loyalty to a brand. But, there’s more to it. “Acceptance” is level one, “preference” is level two, and finally, “allegiance” is level three, and by far the most important level of loyalty, where we give all of our trust to a brand, to the extent that we aren’t willing to …