What Car Buyers Want: Digital Channels for Today’s Automotive Shoppers

What Car Buyers Want: Digital Channels for Today’s Automotive Shoppers

Written By Ted Rubin

The role of the car salesperson is changing. While back in the day, shoppers would learn about car models at the dealership’s physical showroom, thanks to the Internet, they now often arrive at your lot fully equipped with a competitive overview of the vehicle they want. The way people buy cars is evolving, and so are their expectations toward the …

3  Ways to Jumpstart Text Conversations with Your Dealership

3 Ways to Jumpstart Text Conversations with Your Dealership

Written By AE Staff

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you’ve noticed that just about everyone has a smartphone in their hand nowadays. In fact, over 2.8 billion people use the Internet from their smartphones. But even with the promise of a miniature computer in our pockets 24/7, it’s surprising that more dealerships aren’t leveraging the full potential of …