Sharon Kitzman and Eric Schlesinger talk on Dominion DMS VUE Points

Sharon Kitzman Interviews Eric Schlesinger on the VUE Points Podcast

Written By AE Staff

Sharon Kitzman:  Hello and welcome to VUE Points. Dominion DMS’s video podcast series where we highlight our vendor partners. I’m Sharon Kitzman. I’m president of Dominion DMS. And today I’m speaking to Eric Schlesinger. He is the Chief Revenue Officer for ActivEngage. Eric, it’s been a month, almost to the day, since the last time we chatted about the industry …

David Kain interviews Eric Schlesinger on CBT News Kain & Company

David Kain Interviews Eric Schlesinger on Kain & Company / CBT News

Written By AE Staff

David Kane: Hello, and welcome to CBT news. My name is David Kane, I’m president of Kane automotive and this is Kain & Company. We are now proud to say that we are streaming on Roku, Apple TV and mobile devices. So you can watch us most anytime. Today I have a special guest, who’s a longtime friend of mine, …

Carol Marshall and Jason Harris at NADA 2024

Walk N Talk at NADA 2024 with Jason Harris and Carol Marshall

Written By Carol Marshall

 Jason Harris:  Hey, hey, hey, what’s going on podcast nation it’s Jason Harris here and thank you for joining me on another episode of the walk and talk at NADA 2024. Today I have Carol with ActivEngage. Carol, thank you for taking the time to come chat with me. Carol Marshall:  It is my pleasure. I love walking. Jason Harris:  …

customers can be ready to buy a car now with the right incentives and customer experience

Are Shoppers in the Market to Buy a Car Now?

Written By Ted Rubin

Do shoppers need a car now? Like, right now? Sure, people WANT cars now; but are they able to buy a car now? Buying a car these days can be quite an investment. Perhaps more so than usual. Especially a new car. According to Kelly Blue Book: “The average new car in America sold for $48,763 in February (2023)…” The …

Dealer Service Retention Strategies for 2023

Written By Carol Marshall

Your service department makes a lot of money for your dealership. In fact, that’s true for most car dealers (with a service department). Due to the continued need for regular maintenance, oil changes, and whatever other vehicle service you can think of, your service bays are a constant source of repeat business for a car dealership and is no small …

Excite Car Buyers With a Virtual Test Drive

Written By AE Staff

It’s time to drive the thing! With more and more shoppers wanting to complete much of the car buying process online, how do you best build on the emotion of getting a new car? How do you convey the vehicle in a way the digital customer can get a feel for it in action before they come into your showroom? …

Is Chat GPT ready to serve auto dealerships?

Can ChatGPT Really Help Car Dealerships?

Written By AE Staff

Artificial intelligence is always depicted as kind of scary in movies. It learns too much and becomes self-aware. It hates being handled by humans. It rebels. It kills or enslaves us all. Very dramatic! In reality, AI is a little more…boring? Funny? A novelty? I mean, people play chess with it sometimes. Its use in developing self-driving cars is off …

How to Optimize Your Chat Widget for Dealership Websites

Written By AE Staff

Let’s be honest with ourselves. Sometimes, car dealership websites can be a mess. Between pop-ups, endless special offers graphics, and any other doodads us automotive industry vendors come up with, there is a lot of information your car dealerships online visitors have to process. So, when it comes to implementing a chat widget, wouldn’t it be nice if auto dealers …

Using Omnichannel Messaging for Car Dealers

Written By Ted Rubin

Omnichannel. A super cool word that just means “all channels.” How do your customers communicate with you as a car dealer? They certainly use multiple channels to do so, and the fact that car buyers seem to have different tastes in communicating with dealerships means you should definitely cover your bases, both online and offline. An omnichannel approach in your …