Live Chat Helps Shoppers Secretly Research Cars at Work

Live Chat Helps Shoppers Secretly Research Cars at Work

Written By AE Staff

Let’s be honest -  your shoppers aren’t all saintly angels. Some of them are researching for their dream car during work. Actually, A LOT of them are on your website while at work. And they don’t want their boss to know! And since they aren’t going to stop, no matter what you say or do, your role is to be the best accomplice ever by getting them the information they need...and maybe even find ways to help keep them out of trouble.

So, what better way to help shoppers with their devious car research than to offer live chat on your website?

 Here’s how live chat helps shoppers research while at work:

Shhhh! Live Chat is Quiet.

Many shoppers cannot make personal calls during work, which is why live chat is so convenient for them. Live chat doesn’t make any sounds. There is no audible way for their bosses or co-workers to detect work evasion when a shopper is chatting on your website.

Shoppers can pretend they're working on their projects while they're really doing research on the newest model in your inventory! It’s brilliant. But shhhh! Don’t tell!

Instead, what you need to do is add live chat to your website, and watch those work-evaders come quietly rolling through your virtual doors.

Live Chat Can Be Hidden.

Minimizing a chat window is as easy as the click of a button. If a shopper’s boss pops in for a minute to go over something with them, they don’t have to awkwardly end the conversation like they would if they were on the phone. They can hide the chat behind all of their other open tabs and applications on their computer, and then reopen up the window when they are ready to continue.

This sneakiness allows the shopper to have a fluid conversation, even when they are interrupted! No one has to know they are still having a conversation with your chat rep. The evidence is tucked away and buried under spreadsheets and emails - no one is going to question it!

Note: If your own BDC reps are chatting at your dealership, it’s important to keep in mind that sometimes these chatting-while-at-work shoppers take a little longer to respond than others. Be patient. It might take a few minutes for one of their clients to go away, or for their boss to stop looking over their shoulder. But if you wait for them, you’ll be more likely to get the lead and good rapport! Patience pays!

Also, to know for certain that the shopper has indeed stopped typing (possibly because of an interruption at work) and is not just a slow typer, you should check out ActivEngage’s PreRead™ feature. PreRead™ helps you see exactly what the shopper is typing as they are typing it in real-time! This helps eliminate guesswork for the chat rep and also saves them time when formulating their responses.

Live Chat is Mobile.

Last, but not least, shoppers can use their smartphones to chat on mobile during work. You know, in case those who may have a computer, but can’t use it for anything other than work purposes, want to chat while away from their desk.

It’s also important to note that there are all different types of jobs and many that don’t consist of sitting at a desk in front of a computer all day. Therefore, you might want to consider -- when thinking of who might be your live chat audience -- the bored cashier or stock person at a retail store who has nothing better to do during the slow part of their shift than to look for oil change coupons and the sickest rims you have available in your Online Parts Store.

These on-the-go shoppers would LOVE to chat with you on their phones at work to find out what you have to offer - but they can only do so if you offer a live chat button on your mobile website!

So, are you catering to the secret research of this mobile audience? If not, then your next course of action is to add live chat to your mobile site today! Otherwise, you are missing out on some extra revenue and a key target audience who is ready to buy!


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