General Motors Approves ActivEngage as iMR Match Eligible Turnkey Vendor for Live Chat

General Motors Approves ActivEngage as iMR Match Eligible Turnkey Vendor for Live Chat

Written By AE Staff

Orlando, Florida, June 21, 2011 - ActivEngage, the most trusted brand in automotive live chat, today announced that General Motors has approved the company as an iMR (inMarketRetail) Match eligible turnkey vendor for dealership live chat. All GM dealers who are a part of this program can now use iMR funds for ActivEngage live chat services. This includes over 4,000 participating dealers across the nation ho can benefit from live chat by accessing these GM funds to help pay for the monthly service. ActivEngage is the only live chat vendor who is approved by General Motors for the iMR Match eligible turnkey program.

"We are excited to be able to enhance our offerings to General Motors dealerships in such a valuable way," commented Ted Rubin, ActivEngage co-founder, and president. The inclusion of our live chat in the iMR Match program will benefit thousands of General Motors dealers who can use these funds to increase their website leads and sales through ActivEngage. Live chat leads consistently have the highest close rate of all sources, and live chat can significantly increase the leads generated from the dealership's website.

Effective immediately, participating dealers can use iMR Match funds for ActivEngage live chat products to better serve shoppers online and increase their qualified lead generation and sales for vehicles, parts, and service. Funds from the iMR program can only be used for products that General Motors has approved. The manufacturer extensively vets approved suppliers to ensure that dealers have access to the industry's best service providers. General Motors seeks out and selects vendors with excellent track records to help dealers access the highest quality products and services.

In further partnership with GM, ActivEngage co-founder and CEO, Todd Smith, has been selected as a featured speaker at the upcoming General Motors eSummits 4.0.


ActivEngage ( is the most trusted brand in automotive live chat. Our proprietary chat software, real-time business intelligence and fully-managed chat solution inspire conversations that create powerful first impressions and lasting relationships between the website shopper and the dealership. Each solution was created to meet the specific needs of our dealership customers. ActivEngage is #121 on the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing American companies, ranked #20 on the Tech 200 national list, and received the first ever Inc. Hire Power Award for the creation of American jobs.


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