COVID-19: June Update from the ActivEngage President

COVID-19: June Update from the ActivEngage President

Written By Ted Rubin

ActivEngage Staff and Partners:

As we continue to deal with the effects of the coronavirus and working remotely, I feel that how we identify ourselves and have defined our commitment to our people and our customers is indeed being tested. Our company was designed from the ground up to be a remotely managed human service and resource. Our goal is to help customers engage and communicate more effectively and fluidly without absorbing the effort of our clientele's onsite personnel. The software that we have created gives us excellent visibility to affect this. The training and processes that we have developed have prepared our teams for this type of circumstance. But, it is still amazing to me to see how successful all of that forethought and effort has been. I am impressed beyond words with the speed at which our teams have been able to migrate and work together to be 100% remote and still have our most significant volume months ever. 

We live in a new definition of difficult and unusual times, primarily because the difficulty and abnormality of the time are in effect worldwide. However, I do feel that there is a sense of unity and commonality among all of us as citizens of the world. Concerns for health and loved ones, personal and national economic uncertainty, are on everyone's minds. It has banded us together at our core. It has connected us in ways that we may not have perceived before this adversity. We must all respect and consider each other as we go about our personal and professional lives. But, it is notable that the environment for information about how to navigate this situation is dynamic and changing rapidly. 

Now is a time for thoughtfulness and intention. At ActivEngage, we will continue to prioritize the health and safety of our employees and partners. We are working with our government, medical and payroll partners, and advisors to determine when we will reopen the office, and what is necessary to create a safe workplace. Our leadership team has been meeting regularly to discuss options and opportunities specific to this purpose. Decisions being made are taking everyone into account. It is our desire to hear every voice in our organization, and address as many of the needs and concerns as we are able. 

While we have no current plan to bring everyone back to the office, but we are considering options to allow small groups of people to come in and work from the office. We are aware that there are many items to consider in making this decision, not the least of which are: leadership, safety, systems, etc.  Moreover, there will be new procedures that will need to be put in place to address these critical variables. We are committed to our team members and finding the best options for them to work. We are adapting as new information comes available and continuing forward with our business. We will continue to update you monthly about any upcoming events and changes. 

I think it is essential to know that the work that we are doing is not only helpful but often necessary for our customers to survive. We are their link to the world and their customers. I feel that we have all risen to meet the current situational challenge with vigor and defiance, and I appreciate everyone's loyalty and commitment to our work and the job at hand, as do our customers. I am so proud to work with every one of you while supporting each other, our customers, and our communities.

With Appreciation & Respect,

Ted Rubin

Executive Chairman