ActivEngage is a Fastest-Growing Florida Company that Gives Back!

ActivEngage is a Fastest-Growing Florida Company that Gives Back!

Written By AE Staff

ActivEngage is not only exponentially growing, they are also growing their participation in the local community. For the past few months, ActivEngage employees have been donating items to the SafeHouse of Seminole, a local shelter for domestic violence victims, as well as donating their time to Bags of Hope’s Kids Club Program which provides support and provisions for the children of Lovell Elementary.

ActivEngage Participating in Kids Club

"We are so excited to have an amazing group of new volunteers from ActivEngage joining our volunteer team! This outstanding company even allows their employees to volunteer during business hours. Through their actions, they are showing others that improving their community is a big part of who they are... now that is a company we would suggest doing business with!" explained Rhonda Santolin, founder of Bags of Hope.

ActivEngage is proud of their recent growth and their ability to give back to the local community as much as possible. You can learn more about ActivEngage’s community commitments here, or call 800-441-7779 for details on how you can lend a hand to their causes.


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